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*by appointment only
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Customer photos/videos/reports can be found here under "Password Protected" albums. Check your e-mail for your photo album title and password.
Krystal Klear Babies
Public View: 2D, 3D, 4D & HD
Book your gathering at our location
Public View: Our Venues
"It's you and me son... (and mom<3)" lol
Password Protected
Little 14 Week Mover!
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Little lady legs crossed
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From still to active!
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The Chi Town Musicians
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1st image at 5 weeks!
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Mama's mouth for sure!
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Ireland Visitor!
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Baby loves showing her arms
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Chubby cheeks
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Building Co-worker :-)
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Look at My Beautiful Spine
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Lots of Yawning
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The "talker"
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Same cute nose as sis
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So Comfy Laying on Arm
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The Curled-up Kicker
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Whew! Blood test confirmed!
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Pre-Gender Reveal
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Peek a Boo Baby!!
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Dancing like Daddy
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What a perfect baby!
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Happy Birthday Mom!!!
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Baby boy says "not today!"
Password Protected
Such a beauty!
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The little boxer!
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The toe sucker
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Loves showing off her feet
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Surprise Sister!
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Impressive for 34 weeks!
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Full and Tired 36 week old
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Too comfy to pose for pics
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Due Date in 1 Day!
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Excited Mom- 5 weeks
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Baby Back Rolls :-)
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Save the Best for Last
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Tie Breaker-Girl!
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Boy #2!
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She prefers 2D! not 3D/4D
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Doula- Twins!!
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Doula- legs by head!
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Doula- 37 weeker <3
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Top Half is a Surprise!
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Triplet Girls!!!
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Peace of Mind
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13 weeker on stomach
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He was photo ready!
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Peace of Mind
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Only took over an hour to see :-)
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37 weeker shows hands
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Little Diva
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All the gmas and great gmas
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yes to gender, no to 3d
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Beautiful Somalian Sisters!
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2 girls now 2 boys
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Baby B
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Picture Perfect
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Good for 35 weeks!
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Precious 12 weeker
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Boy Mom
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21 week arm and leg model
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Gender Reveal-Smoke Bombs
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Ease Mind
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Shy but gave us great views
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gender breaker, its a girl!!
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arm in face but still good
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Peace of mind!
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Twin girls, now a singleton!
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Mom wanted better!
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Cute little belly!
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Baby Boy #3
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Mom praying for her twin!
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Daddy's heartbeat
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gender surprise to family
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shy for all the family
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Cutest mom couple!
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just wants to show hands!
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Lil sis, 3 big bros!
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VA visitors
Password protected
No high risk, no scan
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pregnant with sis!
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lip expressions
password protected
mom & beautiful blue eyed boys
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curled up baby girl
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the yawner
password protected
Brothers nose and lips
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Anxiety will go away-baby's a mover!
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Birthday gift card <3
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Gender Reveal this Weekend
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Cutest Videos
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Dads special girl
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16 weeks and perfect
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What a Sweetheart!
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Baby waited for mom to reposition!
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Looking like mama!
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Placenta Hugger
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Feet in mouth like brother
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36 week model!
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When you move, I move
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Peace of mind 14 weeks
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Tiny heartbeat
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Such a fun excited mom <3
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Mama's Cheeks <3
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Revealing to grandparents
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Gender Reveal-39 weeks
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Lots of fluid and moving
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15 Week Baby Girl
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7 Weeks Chilling
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Gender Tomorrow!
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5 weeks 6 days
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Calm baby finally moves!
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SneakPeek Boy!
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Big sis says she looks like dad
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Different Baby Today!
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Daddy's Nose
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28 weeks legs over head
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Christmas Eve Session
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Adorable Twins!
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Peace of Mind 1-5-24
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Peace of Mind- 1 baby!
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13w 5d Peace of Mind
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Big sis is dads twin!
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Surprise Dad!
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Nice Surprise of a Heartbeat!
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Peace of Mind 1-8
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Family Full of Girls!
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Big Mover!
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Active little girl!
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Baby boy loves the right side!
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twins- gender at delivery!
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Girl Mom!
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Big sis was ready to go :-)
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More Twins to the Family
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Dads Birthday Gift
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Sharades Gender Reveal
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She Put Dad to Sleep :-)
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All I can Say is PRECIOUS!
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Yawn Was the Highlight!
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Visiting Concord Family <3
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Big Mover but Not a Head Turner!
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Tiny Heart Flicker!
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Daddy's Face?!
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Surprise Baby and Gender!
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Daddy's face, mama's lips
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Cutest Lips and Cheeks!
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Quick Peace of Mind 3D
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17 week busy girl!
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Curled up & Cozy
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Trampoline Jumper
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Peace of Mind 8w 4d
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Too Early Sneak Peek
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Twining with his bro
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Best Start Ever!!
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Surprise baby #4
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Peace of Mind- 7 weeks 2 days
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Perfect Valentines Day
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Longest Time to Record Heartbeat!
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Surprise Gender, Surprise Face : -)
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Upside down to Profile
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She's Picture Perfect!
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Chubby Cheek Baby Boy
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Photogenic Baby Boy!
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Girl mom x2
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Baby girl in right hip
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Cutest Legs!
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Came From VA <3
Password Protected!
Friend scan together- both boys!
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Peace of Mind w/ mom & sis <3
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Perfect view on top 8 weeks!
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Tiny Heart Flicker!
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Yay, heartbeat at 5 weeks!
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Legs in pike dive position!
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Daddys Mouth
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Laying like mom with arms by face
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Baby Girl is Big!
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OMG- that really is her tounge! LOL
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Busy Baby Boy!
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Rough Start-Better Ending <3
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perfect 29 week old boy!
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Baby boy said no to moving hands!
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Baby Measuring 1 Week Ahead!
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Yay, Baby moved for us!
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Friend Sonographer
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Baby Girl Peace of Mind
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She Listens to her Brother <3
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Baby boy being like mama!
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Would not Give a Profile :-(
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7 weeks Peace of Mind
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Big Baby Boy!
Password Protected
All the Family Here For Baby Girl!
Password Protected
Baby Boy was Just Perfect!
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Mama's lil Kiwi!
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Looking Just Like Big Bro!
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14 Week Baby Boy
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Baby Being Shy
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7 Week Peace of Mind
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12 Week Peace of Mind
Peace of Mind 3/14
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Yay, He Behaved Today :-)
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Yay, Baby Cooperated :-)
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Peace of Mind 3/15
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Surprise Baby.
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All Beautiful Smiles!
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Momma Knows!
Password Protected
Beautiful Twin Mama's <3
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Sneak Peek 6Weeks
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Blessed with Another Girl!
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Family Love
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Just a Little Peace of Mind <3
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He Looks Like Daddy!
Password Protected
Baby Has Grown!
Password Protected
Baby Boy is so Precious!
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Baby Girl Hard to See!
Password Protected
Mama's Talk Worked!
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IUD Baby!
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Perfect at 35 Weeks!
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Surprise Baby #5= Boy!
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Baby Girl with All Brothers
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Peace of Mind 3/31
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Best Birthday Gift!
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Visit for Dad <3
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Middle Finger 1st Thing. LOL!
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Baby Girl Gives Sweet Smile
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Twin Girl Mom!!
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Baby Girl is a Mover!
Password Protected
Baby Made Sure to Keep Gender a Secret!
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11 Week Mover!
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Fun Family Visitors From MA!
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Tried to Hide Gender but Got it!
Password Protected
Baby Boy Hugging Placenta
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Perfect at Beginning- Hiding at End!
Password Protected
Baby Girl is a Mover!
Password Protected
God Father Meets Baby!
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Active Little Boy!
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Baby Not Wanting Pics Today!
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Congrats! Engagement + Baby <3
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Pre-Bachlorette Confirmation : -)
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17 Week Moving Baby Boy!
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Mom and Daughter Look Like Sisters!
Password Protected
Baby Girl Required Patience!
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Such a Busy Girl!
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Whew! It's only 1!
Password Protected.
Pelvic Pain but Baby's Good!
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Baby Girl Hiding!
Password Protected
Surprise Baby- Meant to Be!
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Daddy's Lips!
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2 Beautiful Families !
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He Finally Turned at the Very End!
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Baby Boy Looked so Irritated lol
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10 Week Active Baby!
Password Protected.
Tie Dye Bunny with Tutu
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Almost 7 Weeks!
Password Protected
Baby Girl Said No Thanks! LOL
Password Protected
Such a Peace of Mind
Password Protected
11 week Mover!
Password Protected
This Girl Was SO Active!
Password Protected.
Great Grand Finale!
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He's Got a Singing Big Sis!
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26 Weeks Chubby Cheek Baby Boy!
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Peace of Mind 5/3
Password Protected.
Beautiful Photos on a Rainy Day!
Password Protected.
Well Behaved Baby Girl!
Password Protected.
Hour Drive-Peace of Mind
Password Protected.
25 Week Photogenic Baby Girl!
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Baby Boy #3 <3
Password Protected.
Peace of Mind 5-6
Password Protected.
Flexible 24 Week Baby Girl!
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Daddy's Nose, Mommy's Lips
Password Protected
Great Anatomy. Surprise Gender.
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Lot's of Yawning!
Password Protected
Dad for the WIN!!!
Password Protected!
Happy Mothers Day!
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Peace of Mind 5/14
Password Protected
Surprise for Grandma
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Sorry Bro- It's a Sister!
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Surprised Mom!
Password Protected
Perfect Tongue Pic! lol
Password Protected
Thanks for your Patience <3
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Yay, Head Down!
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Good Beginning, Turned Away at End!
Password Protected.
Perfect 12 Week Views!
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20 Week Anatomy
Passwordd Protected
Baby Boy Cuddled Up!
Password Protected
Peace of Mind Worked In
Password Protected.
The Grand Finale!
Password Protected
She Put on a Whole Show!
Password Protected.
Finally Saw a Glimpse of Baby B!
Password Protected.
32 Weeks Precious Baby Boy!
Password Protected.
Knee to Face!
Password Protected.
Almost 28 Weeks!
Password Protected.
9 Weeks!
Password Protected.
Showing everything but her face!
Password Protected.
Big Sis was Our Entertainment- LOL!!
11 Weeks 1 Day!
Password Protected.
27 Weeks 3 Days!
Password Protected
29 Weeks Hands Over Face
Password Protected.
Head Super Low- Readdy To Go!
Password Protected.
Did Not Want to Show 3D at 24 Weeks!
Password Protected.
Yay, Good Heartbeat!
Password Protected.
Perfect at 31 Weeks!
Password Protected
Almost 30 Weeks!
Password Protected
"Miles on it" Ultrasound Party! <3
Password Protected
Looking Just Like Sis!
2 Legs and an Arm by Face!
Password Protected.
For Daddy <3
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31 Weeks <3
Password Protected
Precious 30 Week Baby Girl!
Password Protected
Loves Face Against Uterus!
Password Protected
Shy Baby Girl
Password Protected
31 Week Baby Boy!
Password Protected
Likes Hiding on Ultrasound!
Password Protected.
Great Views at 21 Weeks!
Password Protected
Opposite of Brother
Password Protected
Quick and Easy!
Password "Protected
What A Cutie!
Password Protected
10 Weeks Peace of Mind
Password Protected
Impressive Views-24 Weeks
Password Protected
Mom Knew He Would Hide!
Password Protected
Always Moving but Not Today!
Password Protected
All the Fam Here For Baby Boy <3
Pasdword Protected
Hiding Baby Girl!
Password Protected
Very Consistent Hiding!
Password Protected
Grand Finale Vibes!
Password Protected.
Surprise For London Mama!
Password Protected.
Happy 4th of July!
Password Protected
Blessed With Twins!!
Password Protected
Lots of Moving Her Mouth!
Password Protected
26 Week Cutie!
Password Protected
Cute Juicy Lips!
Password Protected.
Perfect Pictures, Difficult Heartbeat Recording!
Password Protected.
He or She, what will baby be!?
Password Protected
Happy Birthday to You!!
Password Protected.
Same Worries as Other Mama's!
Password Protected
Peace of Mind 7/12
Password Protected
41 Weeks Feeling Good!
Password Protected
Yawning Squad!
Password Protected
Baby Girl is so Loved!
Password Protected
Beautiful Family of 8!
Password Protected.
Mama at Peace!
Password Protected.
Finally Showed at the End!
Password Protected
Baby Boy Hiding From Fluid!
Password Protected
Showing off her Flexibilty!
Password Protected.
30 Weeks- 2D
Password Protected
Baby Girl's The Boss!
Password Protected
Upside Down Hiding face
Password Protected
Baby Girl was a Yawner!
Password Protected
Mama Looks Great for 32 Weeks!
Password Protected
Flight Delays-Album for Daddy!
Password Protected
No Twins- 1 Confirmed!
Password Protected's a Girl!!!
Password Protected
Precious Baby Girl- 29 Weeks!
Password Proteceted.
Mama and Her Boys!
Password Protected.
Big Yawner!
Password Protected.
Lots of Fluid, but Hiding!
Password Protected
Perfect Little Sis!
Password Protected
Cute Lil Lips at 22 Weeks!
Password Protected
Breech With Hands Over Face!
Password Protected
Baby Girl Was Ready to Eat!
Password Protected
Such a Cute Young Couple <3
Password Protected
You Made My Day!!!!
Password Protected.
Loves to Show the Side!
Password Protected
Such an Entertaining Personality!
Password Protected
2nd Times a Charm!
Password Protected
Boy Confirmed!
Password Protected
20 Week Baby Girl!
Password Protected
Peace of Mind 9/6/24
Password Protected
Mom and Dad Each Get a Twin !!
Password Protected
Strong Kicker!
Password Protected.
Baby Hiccups!
Password Protected.
She Looks Just Like Big Bro!
Password Protected.
He FINALLY Let us see! :-)
Password Protected.
Shocked Twice-Pregnant + Boy!!
Password Protected.
Loves Hands Over Face!
Password Protected.
Baby Boy Hiding Profile!
Password Protected
He REALLY didn't want to show his face!
Password Protected.
B or G !?
Password Protected
Tons of Pics Even with ALARA!
Password Protected
Getting to Meet All the Family <3
Password Protected.
It's A Girl!!! Photo Shoot with big Bro!
Password Protected
Baby Girl Wanting to Hide!
Password Protected
Little Bro Hiding!
Password Protected
Good Mix of Mom and Dad <3
Password Protected.
2 Boys, Now a Girl <3
Password Protected.
Very Active Baby Girl!
Password Protected
She Looks Like Big Sis!
Password Protected
Looking at Camera,- No Thanks to Side Profile LOL
Password Protected.
Gift from Sis-In-Law
Password Protected.
Mean Muggin!
Password Protected.
Smiley Baby Girl!
Password Protected.
Breech Hiding Face!
Password Protected.
Your Ultrasound Tech When you Travel to NC!
Password Protected.
Baby Shower Day Photos!
Password Protected.
He Looks Like Mama!
Password Protected.
Big Crowd to See Baby Girl!
Password Protected
Gender Reveal Soon!
Password Protected.
Password Protected
30 Weeks
Password Protected
Shy With Arms Over Face!
Password Protected.
Started with Great Views!
Password Protected.
Yay, Baby Girl Cooperated!!
Password Protected.
29 Week Baby Girl
Password Protected.
Perfect Twins!!
Password Protected
Baby Boy Chill Like Big Sis!
Password Protected
Birthday Gift!
Password Protected.
Thanks for Cooperating Baby Girl!
Password Protected.
Happy Birthday Mom!
Password Protected.
Beautiful Baby Girl
Password Protected
Fun Baby Girl
Password Protected
Baby White
Password Protected
Surprise Gender !!
Password Protected
1st View at 15 Weeks
Password Protected.
Such a Cutie <3
Password Protected.
Baby Sis!
Password Protected.
Sideways and Hiding Profile!
Password Protected
FINALLY Showed His Boy Parts!
Password Protected.
Breech with Perfect Views!
Password Protected.
Will He Look Like Mom at All?!
Password Protected.
Upside Down Kicker!
Password Protected.
Perfect Baby Boy at 31 Weeks!
Password Protected
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